Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling

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Community Answer One thing that might help you stop gambling is to avoid casinos and gambling sites in general. If you like the rush of gambling try playing games on your phone or computer that simulate gambling with fake currency. Overcoming a gambling addiction is tough work.If it were as simple as just walking away from the casinos, slots, sports betting, track or card games, there’d be a lot fewer problem and compulsive gamblers.Some gamblers might have tried cutting down on gambling or even stopping.

“How to Stop Gambling and Save Money?” That’s the million-dollar question often asked by those who find themselves spiraling down to the depths of gambling addiction. The funny thing is that the addiction creeps in without the gambler realizing it.

What starts off as an easy way of making some liquid money at the craps table (or online), can very quickly lead to bankruptcy, depression and in extreme cases, even suicide.

What makes gambling addiction even worse is you can’t smell it on someone’s breath. This makes it easier to hide or ignore until what first was just your beer money being on the line, turns into your life savings and missed mortgage payments.

We’ve all heard some awful gambling problem stories, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

If you’re wondering how to stop the gambling urge, then the following steps should help you get on the right track.


1. Make a Decision

It all begins with you. The first step on the road to dealing with gambling addition is admitting that, “I have a gambling problem” and that it needs to be fixed.

In the beginning, it’s common for gamblers to be in denial, which is probably one of the reasons why less than 3% of gambling addicts seek out help. While deciding to stop something you’ve enjoyed for so long can be challenging, it’s not impossible. This is also a good time to craft a financial plan that will help you save money.

2. What Type of Gambler are You

As it is with smoking or doing drugs, kicking the habit is easier said than done. Here’s where you need to ask yourself the question, “what type of gambler am I?”

There are different types of gamblers – there’s the casual social gambler, the escape gambler, the professional gambler and the compulsive gambler. If you are the first type of gambler, chances are, you’re not in a crisis because you just gamble occasionally, or during a trip to Vegas.

The escape gambler uses blackjack as an escape from the real world. The only problem is, the money you throw on “escape gambling” comes from the real world (this includes your savings or money that should be spent on important payments).

The only difference between a professional and compulsive gambler is that the former takes calculated risks by calculating odds, relying on statistics, and choosing mediums where the outcome does not solely depend on pure luck.

A professional gambler is also patient and more importantly, gambles as a means to make money. These individuals usually already have money to spare and don’t throw away their life savings.

On the other hand, the compulsive gambler is just the type of gambler that casinos (both online and off) count on. These gamblers care little about calculating odds or statistics and depend on luck or a “hunch” to win.

If you find that you’re prioritizing gambling above all other things, including your family and friends, then you have a problem.

Read more about gambling addiction: gambling addiction treatment plan, how to stop gambling forever, gambling addiction symptoms, gambling addiction signs, and gambling addiction causes.
Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling

3. Let Go of the “Win-Bias”

There’s an old wise saying, “The truth will set you free.” There’s an aphorism used by poker players, “If you can spot the sucker around the table, it’s you.”

Oftentimes, people who are struggling with how to stop gambling online get so caught up in the little wins that they forget about their many losses. The best way to deal with win bias is to write down all of your wins and losses.

This way you will know how much you have won and lost over time. It will also remind you of the fact that gambling sites and casinos are there to make a profit, and not the other way around.

In other words, while you might be looking to place a bet based on a really strong hunch, the casinos are using complex algorithms that have been programmed to a make bets work in their favor.

4. Dealing with the Urge to Gamble

Urges are an inevitable part of quitting any addiction. Deflecting those urges is the natural process towards regaining control.

If you’re wondering how to stop gambling on your own, the best way of dealing with the urge to gamble is to delay the urge. That’s because delaying the urge to gamble will allow the urge to pass.

“Urge surfing” is a technique that’s been attributed to the late psychologist, Alan Marlatt, Ph.D., who was a pioneer in the first of addictions treatment. According to Dr. Marlatt, urges for substances last for no longer than 30 minutes.

If one is able to take a step back and mindfully watch their urge play out in a distance, they will find that it soon fades and passes on, instead of developing into an inescapable craving.

5. Identify the Triggers

If you are a spouse and are wondering how to deal with a gambler husband, then the best place to start is to help him identify the triggers. In order to beat your gambling addiction, you need to identify these triggers and drag them out into the light.

Gambling is not a compulsion, but rather a coping mechanism. In other words, it’s a form of escapism. Whenever a person, who has been exposed to gambling in the past, feels bored, frustrated, disappointed or stressed out, he or she will turn to gambling.

You can also search online to find out more about these triggers so that they can be avoided. A good way of saving money is to hand over your money to your spouse, so you don’t spend money by giving into the triggers you identify.

6. Unsubscribe to Gambling Sites

One of the easiest ways to stop gambling addiction is to try to avoid the things that remind you of gambling.

From convenient stores selling lottery tickets to your email inbox being bombarded with online gambling ads, the urge to gamble is everywhere. All of these sources can be a powerful temptation to gamble.

Rather than allow environmental factors to weaken your resolve, do something about it. Avoid the stores that sell lottery tickets and unsubscribe to the newsletters and other marketing content you receive from gambling sites. Gambling websites charge for a monthly or yearly subscription, which means you can save money by unsubscribing to their service.

7. Don’t Wait till You Break Even

Many who find themselves addicted to gambling often think of breaking even so that they can make up for their losses before they quit. That’s a bad idea, especially if you have already lost a lot of money.

Continuing to gamble whether it’s on an online gambling site or at a casino can lead to you losing even more money, making it likely that this cycle is going to continue.

If you really want to know how to stop gambling forever, then don’t wait for tomorrow, or Monday, stop gambling right now.

8. Change Your Environment

So, you avoid the stores that sell lottery tickets and have changed your route from work every day (you know, the one where you need to pass the casino on your way home). It doesn’t end there.

You will need to take a long hard look at the environment in which you live in. For example, if your friends gamble, you are going to need to make some new friends.

It’s not uncommon for past gambling addicts to replace just because they accompanied their friends to the casino or watched them playing on an online casino.

If you’ve known your friends for a long time and don’t want to hurt any feelings, come clean with your problem and why they should try to avoid the topic of gambling when you’re around.

9. Turn to Technology

Turns out, the same technology that played a part in getting you into gambling addiction can be used to get you out of it. Use software that blocks access to online gambling websites if you feel yourself logging into those websites on impulse.

You can also try to use a stop gambling app for your phone since you are more likely to get the urge to gamble coming across gambling ads while browsing through social media posts.

10. Search for a Replacement

For many folks, gambling starts off as a hobby before turning into an addiction. This happens simply because some people have an addictive personality. These are the people who have a hard time keeping any hobby from turning into an addiction.

That said, being addicted to fishing or building a model train set is very different to gambling addiction. To help your mind deviate from thoughts of gambling, do other things that you like, such as, a hobby or spending time with family and friends.

The trick is to keep the mind busy so it doesn’t end up wondering to online betting sites. If you’ve been asking the question, “how can I stop gambling on my own?” Well, this is going to be your best bet.

At the end of the day, how to stop gambling on slot machines or at the casino all boils down to the decisions made by you.

Considering the negative impact that gambling can have on a person (both financially and psychologically) should be all the motivation you need to use these quit-gambling help tips and hit the jackpot of a better life.

Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling

Annual profits for the gambling industry in the United States are around $40 billion.

For those who fill an emotional need or seek euphoria through gambling, a lot of help is necessary to overcome the driving need to gamble.

Helping a true gambling addict to recognize they have a severe problem is the first step towards gambling addiction recovery, but they will need ongoing support to make it to the other side.

Through it all, continue to be patient and encouraging while always maintaining a non-judgmental attitude.

That will help no matter which ways you find work the best for helping a loved one to recover from an addition to gambling.


1. Identify signs of the problem

The first step is to look for many signs that come with compulsive gambling, which is where the issue occurs.

Lying, theft or other illegal activities, as well as a constant need to increase the stakes are signs of compulsive gambling and a serious problem.

Hiding the extent of their gambling habit or how much money is involved are also key signs that the problem needs to be addressed now.

2. Don’t judge

Prepare for a defensive reaction and be clear that the concern you have is not about judging their behavior.

Use “I” statements and ask if other parts of their life seem to be in need of attention.

Above all, make sure to let them know that you care – repeatedly.

Read more about gambling addiction: gambling addiction rehab, gambling addiction statistics, i lost all my money gambling what do i do, how to get help for gambling addiction, and how to stop gambling and save money.

3. Learn the difference between problem gambling and addiction

Problem gambling is behavior that disrupts your life.

Addiction means gambling is uncontrollable for you.

You are suffering from an impulse control disorder.

This means that no matter how much money you have, how it will affect loved ones and whether you are currently winning or losing, you keep gambling.

4. Understand the causes, contributing factors and personality traits related to gambling

Causes for gambling can range from a stressful day and a desire for a distraction to the need for a rush or a means of social interaction.

Knowing the main reason that a gambler turns to the habit can make it easier to find substitute behaviors to suggest and help the gambler utilize instead of gambling.

5. Research treatment

There are different avenues of treatment for gambling.

It is possible to work on treating the habit and problems at home.

Seeing a therapist in the company of the family can be helpful in an effort to resolve issues with gambling.

There are treatment centers that have programs for those who can’t stop themselves from gambling.

Typically, gambling occurs with an underlying condition, and the underlying conditions being treated can help with the gambling as well.

Finally, there is Cognitive Behavior Therapy or treatments with medication that can be recommended and managed by professionals for those who might benefit from these treatments.

6. Learn which treatment methods are more effective with different people and why

Medication can be helpful for treating underlying conditions like depression anxiety or ADHD.

CBT or therapy with the family can be helpful for those with social anxiety, the desire to interact in a healthy manner with others or those dealing with significant amounts of stress.

Each person has a different set of triggers and related factors for their gambling problem.

Different therapies can be effective once the causes are narrowed down.

7. Prepare for a negative reaction

Gamblers do not like to admit they have a problem.

Since that admission is so difficult, they are not going to want to stop gambling, much less seek treatment.

It is best to be prepared for their negativity and even the anger they may direct at you.

8. Talk to them about the issue

For those who are close to the gambler, an honest conversation is a must.

This will be difficult, but with preparation and a straight-forward, caring approach it can be done.


For those who are not close to the individual, the conversation should be with someone who is close to them.

9. Explain the probable consequences

Let the gambler know that there are some big potential issues that can arise if they continue feeding their habit.

Running out of money, legal issues and losing family due to the addiction are all key factors to mention.

It is also a good idea to remind them that gambling can be fun, but there comes a time when the fun has changed to serious addiction and problematic behavior.

10. Discuss treatment options with the gambler

Talk to the gambler about the possible causes for their gambling addiction.

Treatment options can start out with things like therapy and work toward inpatient programs or other methods if initial efforts fail.

For those who know that they have a serious problem and won’t be able to get past it on their own, then inpatient treatment and complete isolation from venues and gambling opportunities is the best option.

Talking to the gambler may provide some insight that can not be gained otherwise.

This makes it easier to address the problem and encourages their cooperation because they were consulted and feel their opinion is valued regarding their own shortcomings.

11. Encourage them to get help from a professional

With gambling, it is important to work with a professional.

This is particularly important because it allows an outside professional to determine the underlying causes and what treatments are required.

A professional is also objective, which is very important in situations of addiction, which causes very strong emotional reactions from loved ones.

The professional can provide the most accurate analysis of the situation, why the gambling is such a problem and how best to address the addiction and be able to move past it.

12. Use honesty to encourage honesty

Modeling is important for adults as well as children.

This is an important factor when considering a key factor in gambling situations, which is a lack of honesty.

It is important for people in a gambler’s life to be honest, even when they have bad days or backslide.

This encourages the gambler to be honest and let people know when they are struggling with the desire to gamble.

13. Address the issue of the debt associated with the problem

Gambling means money disappears fast.

Sadly, no one who gambles tends to get on a winning streak and stay on it.

Therefore, it is important to make the gambler very aware of what the addiction costs the family, any loved ones close to the gambler and the gambler themselves.

Money can be a huge incentive to quit gambling, because it is a finite resource.

It does not replenish itself, so the bank account doesn’t magically grow when no one is looking.

14. Be supportive during their treatment

Gambling can be a challenging problem to overcome.

As with any addiction, it is usually a big part of the gambler’s life and takes up a lot of their time.

When it comes time to address the problem and change the behavior, it is easier to do when others are there to help distract and refocus the gambler.

It is also not helpful when loved ones are judgmental and negative toward the gambler, as that tends to increase the chances of a relapse.

Those who overcome addiction successfully do so with an active support system, understanding family members and determination on the part of the gambler and those around him or her to push through and succeed no matter what.

15. Help them avoid situations where gambling is popular

Encourage the gambler to find other places to spend their time.

It is key to help them avoid the gambling venues they frequented in whatever manner necessary.

If they have a bad habit of stopping in just to see what’s going on, help them choose routes that do not go near the gambling venue when traveling to pay bills or complete other tasks.

16. Discuss the option of medication

Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling

Medication can be helpful to those with a gambling addiction.

Their addiction may be tied to compulsive behaviors due to a mental illness.

This mental illness may not be controllable through behavior modification or effort on the part of the gambler.

This is where medication can come into play.

When the underlying conditions are controlled with medication, then the gambling problem can be the sole focus and gain better results.

17. Encourage the gambler to attend a support group

For some, gambling is a way to have social interaction.

Regardless of whether that is a factor in a gambling habit, however, the decision to join a support group provides understanding, positive interactions and a way to spend time that keeps the gambler away from gambling venues.

Let the gambler know that joining a support group can be a beneficial way to take giant steps forward in the effort to overcome addiction.

18. Be prepared for the gambler to rationalize and excuse the habit

Gamblers spend a lot of time telling themselves their behavior is acceptable.

When confronted about the consequences and seriousness of their behavior, they are likely to try to give you the same reasons they tell themselves it is fine.

It is common to hear that gambling is not a problem if the gambler can afford the losses.

This may or may not be true, but it is a clear example of the fact that many people are more than willing to give reasons that gambling is an acceptable way to spend one’s time.

19. Understand relapse and why it may happen

In the case of an impulse control disorder like compulsive gambling, it is more than making a choice to change the habit.

It is also a lot of hard work, which means the process is a struggle.

Relapse is a common part of the process of overcoming addiction.

While it is not optimal for the gambler’s success, it should not be taken as a sign of ultimate failure either.

20. Watch for secretive behavior that may indicate relapse

Lying or leaving with no explanation are good indications that gamblers are relapsing.

Be suspicious of excuses for extended solo trips out of the house.

Frequent and lengthy “shopping trips” where nothing is purchased is a sign that something else may be going on.

21. Stay involved in their life to encourage them to overcome the habit

Gamblers are more likely to backslide when the loved ones in their life aren’t around during the day.

In order to encourage the success of the gambler in overcoming the addiction, it is best to keep in touch and make sure they are engaging in better decision making.

Let them know you are proud of their progress and encourage them after a backsliding incident to start fresh and try harder.

22. Encourage healthy choices to help avoid gambling

Physical activity, mindfulness and meditation and various hobbies that increase social interaction are all healthy ways to spend time.

Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling Winnings

Decisions, time and environment are all key factors to being healthy and avoiding temptation.

Choose to make better decisions that don’t involve gambling.

Schedule your time so you don’t have the opportunity to go gamble.

Finally, encourage the gambler to stay away from locations where temptations surround them. Remind them that if they can’t see a game or other activity to gamble on, it is harder to gamble.

23. Manage gambler’s finances to remove ability and therefore curb temptation

Taking control of the finances helps ensure the gambler does not have easy access to funds to spend on their addiction.

This keeps things on track when they do have an incident of backsliding.

Knowing when the money is spent and how much means it is addressed faster and efforts are made to avoid letting it happen again.

24. Introduce distractions and healthy hobbies to help gambler avoid the addiction

Physical activities like hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing can be helpful hobbies to introduce to someone struggling with gambling.

Tips To Stop Compulsive Gambling

The physical activity can be helpful as a distraction and also a new hobby allows them to narrow their focus to a new subject.

Counseling, a class like public speaking or volunteering at a worthwhile cause can be helpful because they connect the gambler to others in a positive social manner.

Meditation, deep breathing and hobbies that involve reading, music or art are all worthwhile considerations for new hobbies for the gambler as well.

25. Keep the problem in the open and make others aware to help address the habit

Hiding the fact that someone in the family has a gambling problem can cause misunderstandings with other loved ones.

Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Make everyone aware that there is a gambling problem.

Best Way To Stop Compulsive Gambling Sites

Keep communication open with other family members and let them know how they can help the person with the gambling problem overcome their addiction.